© StadtGeschichte Künzelsau e.V.       2017 - 2025
Künzelsau and Germany experienced a remarkably positive economic development following the monetary reform in 1948 and the introduction of the Deutschmark. Künzelsau profited from the success of existing and newly established family companies, many of which have advanced today to become world market leaders in their field. - in the 50's Albert Sefranek transformed Luise Hermann's factory for workmen's cloths into the Mustang Jeans factory. - in 1945 Adolf Würth founded his mechanical fastener company Würth in the Schlossmühle, an old mill. The following companies located during and after WW2 in Künzelsau. All started off in the Schlossmühle, - Stahl, electric lifts, 1944 from Stuttgart - Sigloch, bookbinder, 1944 from Stuttgart - Ziehl-Abegg, electric motors, 1949 from Berlin The acute shortage of labour resulting from the economic boom of the "Wirtschaftswunder" led to the recruitment of foreign workers from southern Europe. Greek workers from the Pangeo region were the first to come to this area in large numbers. Since then many new immigrants from other areas of Europe and the rest of the world have made their home here and enrich the economic and cultural life of the area. These include the considerable numbers of Russian-Germans who arrived during the 1980's. New vocational school centre is opened in Schippberg. Reclassification of the state secondary school (Ganerbengymnasium) New secondary school, Georg Wagner School, as comprehensive institution. A private initiative among the citizens in favour of an improved musical education leads to the establishment of a Music School for young musicians. The number of pupils has since increased to approximately 500, who together with their teachers perform regularly at local and regional functions. As a result of the restructuring of local administration, eight neighbouring villages are incorporated into Künzelsau : Amrichshausen, Belsenberg, Gaisbach, Kocherstetten, Morsbach, Nitzenhausen, Sonnhofen (in 1977) and Steinbach. The same restructuring led to the formation of the Hohenlohe administrative district.The two original districts of Künzelsau and Öhringen were amalgamated and Künzelsau was defined as the seat of administration. Eberhard Gienger of Künzelsau is crowned world gymnastic high bar champion.In addition to this title he won 36 German titles and three European championships. He also won the bronze medal at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal. Completion of the new Ganerbengymnasium secondary school near Nagelsberg, which was further extended in 2001 Bürgermeister Herbert Frenz retires. The 36-year-old Volker Lenz is elected as the new Bürgermeister. Renovation of the buildings in the older part of Künzelsau. With additional funding from the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, older sections of the town are progressively renovated and modernised, improving the living, working and daily life in the town. Completion of the new Landratsamt building, the administration centre of Hohenlohe, in Künzelsau. Start of the City-Bus service. Following the ever-expanding nature of the town, it became necessary to introduce a bus service linking the outlying villages to the town. This was provided by the Nahverkehrssystem of the Hohenlohe district (NVH). Inauguration of the Reinhold Würth University, an associate college of the Technical University in Heilbronn, by Lothar Späth, the prime minister of Baden-Württemberg at the time. Opening of the new town hall in Künzelsau. Künzelsau joins the neighbouring towns of Kupferzell and Waldenburg in forming the Hohenlohe Industrial Park. Twinning ceremony between Marcali in Hungary and Künzelsau. The first residents of the new Taläcker residential area (approx 200m above the town) move in. Since then, about 3,000 people have taken up residence there. Inauguration of the cable railway between Künzelsau and Taläcker In recognition of their generous cultural, academic, educational and social commitment to the town, the entrepreneur Prof. Reinhold Würth and his wife Carmen are declared honorary citizens of Künzelsau. Inauguration of the Freie Schule Anne Sophie, a private school inTaläcker financed by the Würth Foundation. Completion of the Main Street renovation. Between 2007 and 2009 the Künsbach stream was fed into a new canal system under the main street and the street subsequently resurfaced. After many years of uncertainty and supported by a strong citizen engagement, the Stadtmuseum (Town Museum) was opened by Bürgermeister Volker Lenz. At the mayoral election, the youngest candidate, Stefan Neumann (28), was elected new Bürgermeister on the first count. Albert and Ursula Berner, the entrepreneur couple, are declared honorary citizens of Künzelsau in recognition of their commitment to the cultural, sporting and social fabric of the town. Opening of the dementia centre in the Max- Richard and Renate- Hoffmann House in Künzelsau. Dr. Alexander Gerst is declared an honorary citizen of Künzelsau. The qualified geophysicist, flight engineer and German ESA academic astronaut spent 6 months in the ISS International Space Station in orbit 400 km above the surface of the earth. On 26th May a devastating downpour hit Künzelsau and a number of other towns in the Kocher valley.The normally docile Künsbach was turned into a raging torrent which caused a lot of damage to houses and businesses in the town centre, including the old town hall. In July, the Carmen-Würth-Forum in Künzelsau-Gaisbach was officially opened, comprising a chamber music hall and a multi- function congress centre surrounded by a sculpture park, designed by the star architect D. Chipperfield. At the end of June 2020, the extended Forum with Museum Würth 2 and additional conference rooms and museum café was opened. The old town hall was completely renovated, a lift was added and the facade newly painted.In December it was officially reopened, including the town library and meeting rooms.The old historical meeting chamber has also been restored to its original splendour.
from 1986
2017 2020
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Town History - Time Line
Compiled on a voluntary basis by Claus Brümmer of Künzelsau Translated from the original German text by Paul Lyons
from 1961
from 1945